Distance Healing Options
Touch of Nature Healing offers distance healing therapy for those who wish to receive the benefits of healing while practicing social distancing. Contact us for more information.
Covid Precautions for In-Person Sessions
At Touch of Nature Healing, your health and safety is our primary concern. All clients must read and adhere to the following Covid-19 safety precautions:
1. A client with temperature over 99.6 degrees and/or having any symptoms related to illness will be asked to reschedule.
Symptoms of COIVD-19 include:
• Fever.
• Chills, including repeated shaking with chills.
• Muscle pain or body aches.
• Headache or confusion.
• Difficulty staying awake or waking up.
• Cough.
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
• Congestion or runny nose.
• Sore throat.
• New loss of taste or smell.
• Nausea or vomiting.
• Diarrhea.
Note that symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Not everyone who has COVID-19 will have bad symptoms. Some may only have mild symptoms or show no signs of being sick. The virus spreads through the natural moisture (respiratory droplets) we breathe out when we talk, cough, or sneeze.​
2. A client recently exposed to anyone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 will be asked to reschedule.
3. Clients will be asked to wash hands or use hand sanitizer upon arrival.
4. Sanitizer is provided for clients on the welcome table inside.
5. Masks are required to be worn by everyone coming into the treatment space.
6. Therapists wear masks, follow routines with increased sanitation after each client, and follow proper hand washing and hygiene.
7. Restrooms are available for use during client’s visit. Restrooms are sanitized after each use.
8. Frequent spraying and wiping of common area surfaces is done throughout the day, in addition to the above.