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Reiki -- My Personal Journey

Nature Was My First Teacher

As a child, I was fortunate to spend time in nature. I grew up in New Castle, Pennsylvania, in the country where I had unlimited access to woods, a barn with newborn kittens, and a creek to explore. It felt natural to me to talk to the animals, plants, and trees I encountered. Walking in the creek was, and still is, freeing to me. I felt a deep connection to my surroundings that I didn’t realize was profound until I became older.

The farm where I grew up, in New Castle, PA.

Me as a child - always outdoors in nature.

I have always felt a shift in energy while in nature. It’s a type of sixth sense – an inner knowing and connection to my surroundings. As a child, I knew that the trees energetically felt different than the green ferns. The horse’s energy felt different than the cat's. And those barn swallows! Their energy while swooping by my head was thrilling.

My Reiki Epiphany

Now you may ask yourself, what does this have to do with Reiki?

Well, I am happy you asked! Haha!

I first discovered Reiki in massage therapy school. At orientation, I literally had chills while reading the description of the Reiki training. Reiki resonated with me and felt like something I was organically doing since I was a child.

Reiki was my first intentional practice of creating space for healing energy for a person. Yet when I first experienced Reiki's heat and vibrations through my hands, it felt as if I had been doing this for years. I had been practicing touch with nature, animals, and objects. Reiki allowed me to channel this healing energy to humans. Sign me up!

My first teacher was Timothy at the Pittsburgh School of Massage Therapy. Timothy always presented himself as a nurturing soul with a soft energy and approach. Following our first training, each student could choose to receive a Reiki attunement, a sacred ritual shared by Reiki Master Teachers to students who wish to channel healing light. I remember feeling such excitement and honor when presented with the opportunity for an attunement.

Prior to the attunement, someone mentioned the possibility of having a visual experience. I was intrigued and closed my eyes. During my attunement, I had a visual of an orange waterfall with purple smoke and a tiger. I was blown away that I had an experience that was so clear. (This doesn’t happen for everyone during an attunement, so please keep an open mind if you ever decide to get a Reiki attunement.)

During my Reiki l and ll re-attunement, I had the most profound shifts of my life to date. I felt at home and experienced a deep inner knowing that I had found something I had been looking for.

Sharing the Healing Power of Reiki

I now view myself as a teacher’s assistant with Reiki. I have had the pleasure to join Reiki Master Jan Assini in holding space to facilitate Reiki l and ll training. It is so touching to share my passion for energy work with others and bear witness to the shifts other people experience. I witness and am touched by Jan’s passion for holding space to share the sacredness of Reiki’s wisdom. She is well-rooted in the foundation of Usui Reiki, and it is a pleasure and honor to share sacred space with her.

Reiki is one of the core tools in my toolbox that I use in person and at a distance. I have had the chance to receive and give distance Reiki and experience strong energetic connections. It’s amazing to be in tune with this energy - a blessing really.

It is an honor to work with Reiki Master Jan Assini on my table.

I am passionate about educating others regarding their own self-care. One of the things I love about Reiki is that it helps bring you into the present moment. Self Reiki treatments are easy to do and available to access anywhere. You can use Reiki in every aspect of your life if it resonates with you.

At the end of last year, I attended a wisdom of Reiki conference at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York. I had the pleasure of meeting William Lee Rand and so many other wonderful Reiki practitioners from all over the US. I was in awe while holding space with over 60 Reiki practitioners. Since this experience, I have had a reoccurring vision to bring more Reiki into our communities. I have a passion for bringing this beautiful energy to whoever is curious and ready to receive it.

How I Incorporate Reiki Healing into My Life

My cousin's horse, Brandy helped me gain the sense of feeling energy.

I find this tool useful for absolutely every aspect of my life. (So, I guess I just shared with you, one of my best-kept secrets!) Some ways I use Reiki:

  • In treatment for clients in-person and at a distance

  • To clear the energy in my space between clients

  • To send distance healing when I hold prayer circles

  • To purify my water during a shower for an energy cleanse

  • To purify my water before drinking it

  • To help my daughter fall asleep

  • To help my plants to grow

  • To protect me during travels

  • And so much more!

Join Me on My Reiki Journey

Are you curious? I welcome you to attend a Reiki clinic, join a Reiki training, or stop in for a Reiki treatment on my table in New Castle, Pittsburgh, or at a distance!

I want to take this time to send honor to each of my teachers. As I continue to be curious about this life, you each have channeled your support to me. I continue to be inspired to learn more about Reiki and meet other Reiki practitioners. I would love to connect and continue to build our Reiki community. Please feel free to subscribe to my newsletter and send me a private message to connect and grow our Reiki community at.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

And so it is,

Briana Pontius



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